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Cooking in the Kitchens of Pontelandolfo Italy
June 8 - 15,  
Sold Out!
New Sectio

June 29 - July 6, 2024


Cook, Eat Laugh!  

That is exactly what happens each time a group of adventurous foodies – women and men – come to Pontelandolfo and hang out in local kitchens and learn the dishes that nonnas have been sharing for generations.  Pontelandolfo – to me – is an example of the best that Italy has to offer.  No backpack swinging tourists. No overpriced cappuccinos. Simply incredible mountain views, fresh foods cooked seasonally, a population that embraces life with joy and a welcoming attitude that surrounds all newcomers.


One of the best experiences in cooking. I went twice! These are typical Italian women inviting you into their homes to prepare,cook and share a meal with the family.Local ingredients and homemade love go into each dish. A truely unique and inspiring week.

Lynn Yonally


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