Living The Italian Life!
Culinary and Cultural Adventurers truly experience Southern Italian Life. Pontelandolfo – to us – is an example of the best that Italy has to offer. No backpack swinging tourists. No overpriced cappuccinos. Simply incredible mountain views, fresh foods cooked seasonally, a population that embraces life with joy and a welcoming attitude that surrounds all newcomers.
Women and men come to Pontelandolfo hang out with local families and learn the dishes that nonnas have been sharing for generations. Other adventurers come here to write, create art or simply immerse themselves in village life.
Our groups have climbed mountains looking for mushrooms, played bocce, dance with the folkloric group, tossed cheese in Ruzzola competitions, learned to play cards with the men in bars, visited local archeological sites and simply sat in bars absorbing the sights and sounds of Pontelandolfo.